Gain a competitive edge over competitors


Automation is a top priority of the world in pursuit of excellence . This relentless shift towards automation is a new trend in the Financial Industry as well ! Investment firms love to leverage their big and deep pockets to gain a competitive edge over competitors .


In the near term, the JACKPRO Client will allow connecting to other Clients in a peer-to-peer fashion, enabling seamless collaboration and dissemination of trading intelligence. In the beginning, users will be able to expose intelligence in the form of trading signals. Later on, they may be able to share data, strategies, AI models, etc. The latter will allow users to amalgamate intelligence from multiple sources and build more on top. Users may then choose to work in silos, collaborate in closed groups, or openly.

dots Be a Liquidity Provider

The project distributes the JACKPRO Token on a per-release basis, among stakers and liquidity providers of each stage and phase.

The distribution system addresses crucial needs, it promotes a sound economy in which wealth creation is backed by the liquidity value added to the project .

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Exchange List

  • coinmarketcap
    Coin MerketCap
  • Coingeeko
  • binance
    Binance Smart Chain
  • Pancake
    Pancake Swap

Mobile Trading Bot App

The JACKPRO Mobile Trading Bot App

JACKPRO Mobile Trading app will interface with the JACKPRO Network, obtain intelligence from multiple providers, and enable portfolio managers to generate more profits and users to act upon trading signals.

The app will optimize ease of use and user experience for mass adoption. Users will configure exchange keys, signal providers, and basic trading preferences. The app will enable full trading automation but also function with manual confirmations.


Contact details


Contact us

Automation is a top priority of the world in pursuit of excellence . This relentless shift towards automation is a new trend in the Financial Industry as well ! Investment firms love to leverage their big and deep pockets to gain a competitive edge over competitors .