Learn , Trade and Earn

Automation is a top priority of the world in pursuit of excellence . This relentless shift towards automation is a new trend in the Financial Industry as well ! Investment firms love to leverage their big and deep pockets to gain a competitive edge over competitors .


Company Information

JACKPRO PLATFORM is expanding the infrastructure enhance the collaboration and manage a global, massive, defi organization. We are looking for world class leaders to lead different countries and participate in referrals, support, and mentorship programs, nurturing the community.
Our Community

We need you ! For Contributions to JACKPRO

Contributions may come in multiple forms. We define a JACKPRO contribution as the input of a Community member that adds value to the project

In your early days with the project, you may contribute small stuff, like writing a review, fixing grammar or typos in the Docs, or translating tutorials into other languages. Later on, as you advance, you may contribute the intelligence you build for yourself, like trading systems or indicators.

Once you become a power user, you may help with support questions in the community groups, and if you're a developer, you may go bug-hunting, or dive into the codebase. With time, you may take charge of entire areas of the project ! It doesn't matter what your expertise is, as there are opportunities of all sorts!

You may join the business, marketing, design, or education teams, take roles and positions within the project, participate in referrals, support, and mentorship programs. If you haven't contributed yet, the easiest way to earn your first few tokens is by Joining JACKPRO, doing the first three tutorials, and submitting a review of JACKPRO.


Contact details


Contact us

Automation is a top priority of the world in pursuit of excellence . This relentless shift towards automation is a new trend in the Financial Industry as well ! Investment firms love to leverage their big and deep pockets to gain a competitive edge over competitors .